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The Witch and the Mercenary Manga cover

The Witch and the Mercenary

Read The Witch and the Mercenary latest chapters on MangaScans. Zig—a tall, broad-shouldered mercenary—participates in a witch hunt. Following a fierce duel with the deadly witch, he becomes privy to her desire. “I want you to protect me,” she requests, tired of having her life trivialized. Seeking a place to survive, the witch and the mercenary set their sights on an unknown continent!. Zig—a tall, broad-shouldered mercenary—participates in a witch hunt. Following a fierce duel with the deadly witch, he becomes privy to her desire. "I want you to protect me," she requests, tired of having her life trivialized. Seeking a place to survive, the witch and the mercenary set their sights on an unknown continent! (Source: Kodansha USA). Wish you have a pleasant reading experience at MangaScans
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